Source code for fides.hessian_approximation

Hessian Update Strategies
This module provides various generic Hessian approximation strategies that
can be employed when the calculating the exact Hessian or an approximation
is computationally too demandind.

from typing import Optional
import numpy as np

[docs]class HessianApproximation: """ Abstract class from which Hessian update strategies should subclass """
[docs] def __init__(self, dim, hess_init: Optional[np.ndarray] = None): if hess_init is None: hess_init = np.eye(dim) self._hess = hess_init.copy()
def update(self, s, y): raise NotImplementedError() # pragma : no cover def get_mat(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._hess
[docs]class SR1(HessianApproximation): """ Symmetric Rank 1 update strategy. This updating strategy may yield indefinite hessian approximations. """ def update(self, s, y): z = y - self._hess += np.outer(z, z.T)/
[docs]class BFGS(HessianApproximation): """ Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno update strategy. This is a rank 2 update strategy that always yields positive-semidefinite hessian approximations. """ def update(self, s, y): b = if b <= 0: return z = a = self._hess += - np.outer(z, z.T) / a + np.outer(y, y.T) / b
[docs]class DFP(HessianApproximation): """ Davidon-Fletcher-Powell update strategy. This is a rank 2 update strategy that always yields positive-semidefinite hessian approximations. It usually does not perform as well as the BFGS strategy, but included for the sake of completeness. """ def update(self, s, y): curv = if curv <= 0: return mat1 = np.eye(self._hess.shape[0]) - np.outer(y, s.T) / curv mat2 = np.eye(self._hess.shape[0]) - np.outer(s, y.T) / curv self._hess = + np.outer(y, y.T)/curv