Source code for fides.minimize

This module performs the optimization given a step proposal.

import time

import numpy as np
import logging
from numpy.linalg import norm
from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix
from .trust_region import trust_region, Step
from .hessian_approximation import HessianApproximation, HybridUpdate
from .constants import Options, ExitFlag, DEFAULT_OPTIONS
from .logging import create_logger

from typing import Callable, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union

[docs]class Optimizer: """ Performs optimization :ivar fun: Objective function :ivar funargs: Keyword arguments that are passed to the function :ivar lb: Lower optimization boundaries :ivar ub: Upper optimization boundaries :ivar options: Options that configure convergence checks :ivar delta_iter: Trust region radius that was used for the current step :ivar delta: Updated trust region radius :ivar x: Current optimization variables :ivar fval: Objective function value at x :ivar grad: Objective function gradient at x :ivar x_min: Optimal optimization variables :ivar fval_min: Objective function value at x_min :ivar grad_min: Objective function gradient at x_min :ivar hess: Objective function Hessian (approximation) at x :ivar hessian_update: Object that performs hessian updates :ivar starttime: Time at which optimization was started :ivar iteration: Current iteration :ivar converged: Flag indicating whether optimization has converged :ivar exitflag: ExitFlag to indicate reason for termination :ivar verbose: Verbosity level for logging :ivar logger: logger instance """
[docs] def __init__(self, fun: Callable, ub: np.ndarray, lb: np.ndarray, verbose: Optional[int] = logging.DEBUG, options: Optional[Dict] = None, funargs: Optional[Dict] = None, hessian_update: Optional[HessianApproximation] = None): """ Create an optimizer object :param fun: This is the objective function, if no `hessian_update` is provided, this function must return a tuple (fval, grad), otherwise this function must return a tuple (fval, grad, Hessian) :param ub: Upper optimization boundaries. Individual entries can be set to np.inf for respective variable to have no upper bound :param lb: Lower optimization boundaries. Individual entries can be set to -np.inf for respective variable to have no lower bound :param verbose: Verbosity level, pick from logging.[DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR] :param options: Options that control termination of optimization. See `minimize` for details. :param funargs: Additional keyword arguments that are to be passed to fun for evaluation :param hessian_update: Subclass of :py:class:`fides.hessian_update.HessianApproximation` that performs the hessian updates in every iteration. """ Callable = fun if funargs is None: funargs = {} self.funargs: Dict = funargs np.ndarray = np.array(lb) self.ub: np.ndarray = np.array(ub) if options is None: options = {} for option in options: try: Options(option) except ValueError: raise ValueError(f'{option} is not a valid options field.') self.options: Dict = options float = self.get_option(Options.DELTA_INIT) self.delta_iter: float = self.tr_ratio: float = 1 self.x: np.ndarray = np.empty(ub.shape) self.fval: float = np.inf self.grad: np.ndarray = np.empty(ub.shape) self.hess: np.ndarray = np.empty((ub.shape[0], ub.shape[0])) self.x_min = self.x self.fval_min = self.fval self.grad_min = self.grad self.hessian_update: HessianApproximation = hessian_update self.starttime: float = np.nan self.iteration: int = 0 self.converged: bool = False self.exitflag: ExitFlag = ExitFlag.DID_NOT_RUN self.verbose: int = verbose self.logger: Union[logging.Logger, None] = None
def _reset(self): self.starttime = time.time() self.iteration = 0 self.converged: bool = False float = self.get_option(Options.DELTA_INIT) self.delta_iter: float = self.fval_min = np.inf self.logger = create_logger(self.verbose)
[docs] def minimize(self, x0: np.ndarray): """ Minimize the objective function using the interior trust-region reflective algorithm described by [ColemanLi1994] and [ColemanLi1996] Convergence with respect to function value is achieved when math:`|f_{k+1} - f_k|` < options[`fatol`] - :math:`f_k` options[ `frtol`]. Similarly, convergence with respect to optimization variables is achieved when :math:`||x_{k+1} - x_k||` < options[ `xtol`] :math:`x_k` (note that this is checked in transformed coordinates that account for distance to boundaries). Convergence with respect to the gradient is achieved when :math:`||g_k||` < options[`gatol`] or `||g_k||` < options[`grtol`] * `f_k`. Other than that, optimization can be terminated when iterations exceed options[ `maxiter`] or the elapsed time is expected to exceed options[`maxtime`] on the next iteration. :param x0: initial guess :returns: fval: final function value, x: final optimization variable values, grad: final gradient, hess: final Hessian (approximation) """ self._reset() self.x = np.array(x0).copy() if self.x.ndim > 1: raise ValueError('x0 must be a vector with x.ndim == 1!') self.make_non_degenerate() self.check_in_bounds() funout =, **self.funargs) if not isinstance(funout, tuple) or len(funout) not in [2, 3]: raise ValueError('Function must either return two or three ' 'outputs (depending on whether Hessian ' 'update strategy is used), but returned ' f'{funout}') if self.hessian_update is None or isinstance(self.hessian_update, HybridUpdate): self.fval, self.grad, self.hess = funout if isinstance(self.hessian_update, HybridUpdate): if self.hessian_update.init_with_hess: self.hessian_update.set_init(self.hess) self.hessian_update.init_mat(len(self.x)) else: if len(funout) == 3: raise ValueError('Cannot use Hessian update with a ' 'function that returns 3 outputs.') self.fval, self.grad = funout self.hessian_update.init_mat(len(self.x)) self.hess = self.hessian_update.get_mat() if not np.isscalar(self.fval): raise ValueError('Provided objective function must return a ' 'scalar!') if not self.grad.ndim == 1: raise ValueError('Provided objective function must return a ' 'gradient vector with x.ndim == 1, was ' f'{self.grad.ndim}!') if not len(self.grad) == len(self.x): raise ValueError('Provided objective function must return a ' 'gradient vector of the same shape as x, ' f'x has {len(self.x)} entries but gradient has ' f'{len(self.grad)}!') # hessian approximation would error on these earlier if not self.hess.ndim == 2: raise ValueError('Provided objective function must return a ' 'Hessian matrix with x.ndim == 2, was ' f'{self.hess.ndim}!') if not self.hess.shape[0] == self.hess.shape[1]: raise ValueError('Provided objective function must return a ' 'square Hessian matrix!') if not self.hess.shape[0] == len(self.x): raise ValueError('Provided objective function must return a ' 'square Hessian matrix with same dimension as x. ' f'x has {len(self.x)} entries but Hessian has ' f'{self.hess.shape[0]}!') self.track_minimum(self.x, self.fval, self.grad) self.log_header() self.log_step_initial() self.check_finite() self.converged = False while self.check_continue(): self.iteration += 1 self.delta_iter = v, dv = self.get_affine_scaling() scaling = csc_matrix(np.diag(np.sqrt(np.abs(v)))) theta = max(self.get_option(Options.THETA_MAX), 1 - norm(v * self.grad, np.inf)) step = \ trust_region( self.x, self.grad, self.hess, scaling, self.delta_iter, dv, theta,, self.ub, subspace_dim=self.get_option(Options.SUBSPACE_DIM), stepback_strategy=self.get_option(Options.STEPBACK_STRAT), refine_stepback=self.get_option(Options.REFINE_STEPBACK), logger=self.logger ) x_new = self.x + step.s + step.s0 funout =, **self.funargs) if self.hessian_update is None or isinstance(self.hessian_update, HybridUpdate): fval_new, grad_new, hess_new = funout else: fval_new, grad_new = funout hess_new = None if np.isfinite(fval_new): self.check_finite(grad_new, hess_new) accepted = self.update_tr_radius(fval_new, grad_new, step, dv) if self.iteration % 10 == 0: self.log_header() self.log_step(accepted, step, fval_new) self.check_convergence(step, fval_new, grad_new) # track minimum independently of whether we accept the step or not self.track_minimum(x_new, fval_new, grad_new) if accepted: self.update(step, x_new, fval_new, grad_new, hess_new) return self.fval, self.x, self.grad, self.hess
[docs] def track_minimum(self, x_new: np.ndarray, fval_new: float, grad_new: np.ndarray) -> None: """ Function that tracks the optimization variables that have minimal function value independent of whether the step is accepted or not. :param x_new: :param fval_new: :param grad_new: :return: """ if np.isfinite(fval_new) and fval_new < self.fval_min: self.x_min = x_new self.fval_min = fval_new self.grad_min = grad_new
[docs] def update(self, step: Step, x_new: np.ndarray, fval_new: float, grad_new: np.ndarray, hess_new: Optional[np.ndarray] = None) -> None: """ Update self according to employed step :param step: Employed step :param x_new: New optimization variable values :param fval_new: Objective function value at x_new :param grad_new: Objective function gradient at x_new :param hess_new: (Approximate) objective function Hessian at x_new """ if self.hessian_update is not None: self.hessian_update.update(step.s + step.s0, grad_new - self.grad) if self.hessian_update is None or \ (isinstance(self.hessian_update, HybridUpdate) and self.iteration < self.hessian_update.switch_iteration): self.hess = hess_new else: self.hess = self.hessian_update.get_mat() self.check_in_bounds(x_new) self.fval = fval_new self.x = x_new self.grad = grad_new self.check_finite() self.make_non_degenerate()
[docs] def update_tr_radius(self, fval: float, grad: np.ndarray, step: Step, dv: np.ndarray) -> bool: """ Update the trust region radius :param fval: new function value if step defined by step_sx is taken :param grad: new gradient value if step defined by step_sx is taken :param step: step :param dv: derivative of scaling vector v wrt x :return: flag indicating whether the proposed step should be accepted """ stepsx = + step.ss0 nsx = norm(stepsx) if not np.isfinite(fval): self.tr_ratio = 0 = np.nanmin([ * self.get_option(Options.GAMMA1), nsx / 4 ]) return False else: qpval = 0.5 * * np.abs(grad) * stepsx) self.tr_ratio = (fval + qpval - self.fval) / step.qpval interior_solution = nsx < self.delta_iter * 0.9 # values as proposed in algorithm 4.1 in Nocedal & Wright if self.tr_ratio >= self.get_option(Options.ETA) \ and not interior_solution and step.qpval <= 0: # increase radius = self.get_option(Options.GAMMA2) * elif self.tr_ratio <= self.get_option(Options.MU) or \ step.qpval > 0: # decrease radius = np.nanmin([ * self.get_option(Options.GAMMA1), nsx / 4 ]) return self.tr_ratio > 0.0 and step.qpval <= 0
[docs] def check_convergence(self, step: Step, fval: float, grad: np.ndarray) -> None: """ Check whether optimization has converged. :param step: update to optimization variables :param fval: updated objective function value :param grad: updated objective function gradient """ converged = False fatol = self.get_option(Options.FATOL) frtol = self.get_option(Options.FRTOL) xtol = self.get_option(Options.XTOL) gatol = self.get_option(Options.GATOL) grtol = self.get_option(Options.GRTOL) gnorm = norm(grad) stepsx = + step.ss0 nsx = norm(stepsx) if <= self.delta_iter and \ np.abs(fval - self.fval) < fatol + frtol*np.abs(self.fval): self.exitflag = ExitFlag.FTOL self.logger.warning( 'Stopping as function difference ' f'{np.abs(self.fval - fval):.2E} was smaller than specified ' f'tolerances (atol={fatol:.2E}, rtol={frtol:.2E})' ) converged = True elif self.iteration > 1 and nsx < xtol: self.exitflag = ExitFlag.XTOL self.logger.warning( 'Stopping as norm of step ' f'{nsx} was smaller than specified ' f'tolerance (tol={xtol:.2E})' ) converged = True elif gnorm <= gatol: self.exitflag = ExitFlag.GTOL self.logger.warning( 'Stopping as gradient norm satisfies absolute convergence ' f'criteria: {gnorm:.2E} < {gatol:.2E}' ) converged = True elif gnorm <= grtol * self.fval: self.exitflag = ExitFlag.GTOL self.logger.warning( 'Stopping as gradient norm satisfies relative convergence ' f'criteria: {gnorm:.2E} < {grtol:.2E} * {self.fval:.2E}' ) converged = True self.converged = converged
[docs] def check_continue(self) -> bool: """ Checks whether minimization should continue based on convergence, iteration count and remaining computational budget :return: flag indicating whether minimization should continue """ if self.converged: return False maxiter = self.get_option(Options.MAXITER) if self.iteration >= maxiter: self.exitflag = ExitFlag.MAXITER self.logger.warning( f'Stopping as maximum number of iterations {maxiter} was ' f'exceeded.' ) return False time_elapsed = time.time() - self.starttime maxtime = self.get_option(Options.MAXTIME) time_remaining = maxtime - time_elapsed avg_iter_time = time_elapsed/(self.iteration + (self.iteration == 0)) if time_remaining < avg_iter_time: self.exitflag = ExitFlag.MAXTIME self.logger.warning( f'Stopping as maximum runtime {maxtime} is expected to be ' f'exceeded in the next iteration.' ) return False if < np.spacing(1): self.exitflag = ExitFlag.DELTA_TOO_SMALL self.logger.warning( f'Stopping as trust region radius {} is ' f'smaller than machine precision.' ) return False return True
[docs] def make_non_degenerate(self, eps=1e2 * np.spacing(1)) -> None: """ Ensures that x is non-degenerate, this should only be necessary for initial points. :param eps: degeneracy threshold """ if np.min(np.abs(self.ub - self.x)) < eps or \ np.min(np.abs(self.x - < eps: upperi = (self.ub - self.x) < eps loweri = (self.x - < eps self.x[upperi] = self.x[upperi] - eps self.x[loweri] = self.x[loweri] + eps
[docs] def get_affine_scaling(self) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Computes the vector v and dv, the diagonal of its Jacobian. For the definition of v, see Definition 2 in [Coleman-Li1994] :return: v scaling vector dv diagonal of the Jacobian of v wrt x """ # this implements no scaling for variables that are not constrained by # bounds ((iii) and (iv) in Definition 2) v = np.sign(self.grad) + (self.grad == 0) dv = np.zeros(self.x.shape) # this implements scaling for variables that are constrained by # bounds ( i and ii in Definition 2) bounds is equal to lb if grad < # 0 ub if grad >= 0 bounds = ((1 + v)* + (1 - v)*self.ub)/2 bounded = np.isfinite(bounds) v[bounded] = self.x[bounded] - bounds[bounded] dv[bounded] = 1 return v, dv
[docs] def log_step(self, accepted: bool, step: Step, fval: float): """ Prints diagnostic information about the current step to the log :param accepted: flag indicating whether the current step was accepted :param step: proposal step :param fval: new fval if step is accepted """ normdx = norm(step.s + step.s0) iterspaces = max(len(str(self.get_option(Options.MAXITER))), 5) - \ len(str(self.iteration)) steptypespaces = 4 - len(step.type) reflspaces, trunspaces = [ 4 - len(str(count)) for count in [step.reflection_count, step.truncation_count] ] if not np.isfinite(fval): fval = self.fval f'{" " * iterspaces}{self.iteration}' f' | {fval if accepted else self.fval:+.3E}' f' | {(fval - self.fval):+.2E}' f' | {step.qpval:+.2E}' f' | {self.tr_ratio:+.2E}' f' | {self.delta_iter:.2E}' f' | {norm(self.grad):.2E}' f' | {normdx:.2E}' f' | {step.theta:.2E}' f' | {step.alpha:.2E}' f' | {step.type}{" " * steptypespaces}' f' | {" " * reflspaces}{step.reflection_count}' f' | {" " * trunspaces}{step.truncation_count}' f' | {int(accepted)}' )
[docs] def log_step_initial(self): """ Prints diagnostic information about the initial step to the log """ iterspaces = max(len(str(self.get_option(Options.MAXITER))), 5) - \ len(str(self.iteration)) f'{" " * iterspaces}{self.iteration}' f' | {self.fval:+.3E}' f' | NaN ' f' | NaN ' f' | NaN ' f' | {}' f' | {norm(self.grad):.2E}' f' | NaN ' f' | NaN ' f' | NaN ' f' | NaN ' f' | NaN ' f' | NaN ' f' | {int(np.isfinite(self.fval))}' )
[docs] def log_header(self): """ Prints the header for diagnostic information, should complement :py:func:`Optimizer.log_step`. """ iterspaces = len(str(self.get_option(Options.MAXITER))) - 5 f'{" " * iterspaces} iter ' f'| fval | fval diff | pred diff | tr ratio ' f'| delta | ||g|| | ||step|| | theta | alpha ' f'| step | refl | trun | accept' )
[docs] def check_finite(self, grad: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, hess: Optional[np.ndarray] = None): """ Checks whether objective function value, gradient and Hessian ( approximation) have finite values and optimization can continue. :param grad: gradient to be checked for finiteness, if not provided, current one will be checked :param hess: Hessian (approximation) to be checked for finiteness, if not provided, current one will be checked :raises: RuntimeError if any of the variables have non-finite entries """ if self.iteration == 0: pointstr = 'at initial point.' else: pointstr = f'at iteration {self.iteration}.' if grad is None: grad = self.grad if hess is None: hess = self.hess if not np.isfinite(self.fval): self.exitflag = ExitFlag.NOT_FINITE raise RuntimeError(f'Encountered non-finite function {self.fval} ' f'value {pointstr}') if not np.isfinite(grad).all(): self.exitflag = ExitFlag.NOT_FINITE ix = np.where(np.logical_not(np.isfinite(grad))) raise RuntimeError('Encountered non-finite gradient entries' f' {grad[ix]} for indices {ix} ' f'{pointstr}') if not np.isfinite(hess).all(): self.exitflag = ExitFlag.NOT_FINITE ix = np.where(np.logical_not(np.isfinite(hess))) raise RuntimeError('Encountered non-finite gradient hessian' f' {hess[ix]} for indices {ix} ' f'{pointstr}')
[docs] def check_in_bounds(self, x: Optional[np.ndarray] = None): """ Checks whether the current optimization variables are all within the specified boundaries :raises: RuntimeError if any of the variables are not within boundaries """ if x is None: x = self.x if self.iteration == 0: pointstr = 'at initial point.' else: pointstr = f'at iteration {self.iteration}.' for ref, sign, name in zip([self.ub,], [-1.0, 1.0], ['upper bounds', 'lower bounds']): diff = sign * (ref - x) if not np.all(diff <= 0): ix = np.where(diff > 0)[0] self.exitflag = ExitFlag.EXCEEDED_BOUNDARY raise RuntimeError(f'Exceeded {name} for indices {ix} by ' f'{diff[ix]} {pointstr}')
def get_option(self, option): if option not in Options: raise ValueError(f'{option} is not a valid option name.') if option not in DEFAULT_OPTIONS: raise ValueError(f'{option} is missing its default option.') return self.options.get(option, DEFAULT_OPTIONS.get(option))