Source code for fides.trust_region

Trust Region Step Evaluation
This module provides the machinery to evaluate different trust-region(
-reflective) step proposals and select among them based on to their
performance according to the quadratic approximation of the objective function

import numpy as np
import logging

from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix

from .constants import SubSpaceDim, StepBackStrategy
from .steps import (
    Step, GradientStep, TRStep2D, TRStepFull, RefinedStep,
    TRStepReflected, TRStepSteihaug
from .stepback import stepback_reflect, stepback_truncate

[docs]def trust_region(x: np.ndarray, g: np.ndarray, hess: np.ndarray, scaling: csc_matrix, delta: float, dv: np.ndarray, theta: float, lb: np.ndarray, ub: np.ndarray, subspace_dim: SubSpaceDim, stepback_strategy: StepBackStrategy, logger: logging.Logger) -> Step: """ Compute a step according to the solution of the trust-region subproblem. If step-back is necessary, gradient and reflected trust region step are also evaluated in terms of their performance according to the local quadratic approximation :param x: Current values of the optimization variables :param g: Objective function gradient at x :param hess: (Approximate) objective function Hessian at x :param scaling: Scaling transformation according to distance to boundary :param delta: Trust region radius, note that this applies after scaling transformation :param dv: derivative of scaling transformation :param theta: parameter regulating stepback :param lb: lower optimization variable boundaries :param ub: upper optimization variable boundaries :param subspace_dim: Subspace dimension in which the subproblem will be solved. Larger subspaces require more compute time but can yield higher quality step proposals. :param stepback_strategy: Strategy that is applied when the proposed step exceeds the optimization boundary. :param logger: logging.Logger instance to be used for logging :return: s: proposed step, """ sg = # diag(g_k)*J^v_k Eq (2.5) [ColemanLi1994] g_dscaling = csc_matrix(np.diag(np.abs(g) * dv)) step_options = { SubSpaceDim.TWO: TRStep2D, SubSpaceDim.FULL: TRStepFull, SubSpaceDim.STEIHAUG: TRStepSteihaug, } tr_step = step_options[subspace_dim](x, sg, hess, scaling, g_dscaling, delta, theta, ub, lb, logger) tr_step.calculate() # in case of truncation, we hit the boundary and we check both the # gradient and the reflected step, either of which could be better than the # TR step steps = [tr_step] if tr_step.alpha < 1.0 and len(g) > 1: g_step = GradientStep(x, sg, hess, scaling, g_dscaling, delta, theta, ub, lb, logger) g_step.calculate() steps.append(g_step) if stepback_strategy == StepBackStrategy.SINGLE_REFLECT: rtr_step = TRStepReflected(x, sg, hess, scaling, g_dscaling, delta, theta, ub, lb, tr_step) rtr_step.calculate() steps.append(rtr_step) if stepback_strategy in [StepBackStrategy.REFLECT, StepBackStrategy.MIXED]: steps.extend(stepback_reflect( tr_step, x, sg, hess, scaling, g_dscaling, delta, theta, ub, lb )) if stepback_strategy in [StepBackStrategy.TRUNCATE, StepBackStrategy.MIXED]: steps.extend(stepback_truncate( tr_step, x, sg, hess, scaling, g_dscaling, delta, theta, ub, lb )) if stepback_strategy == StepBackStrategy.REFINE and \ tr_step.subspace.shape[1] > 1: ref_step = RefinedStep( x, sg, hess, scaling, g_dscaling, delta, theta, ub, lb, tr_step ) ref_step.calculate() steps.append(ref_step) if len(steps) > 1: rcountstrs = [str(step.reflection_count) * int(step.reflection_count > 0) for step in steps] logger.debug(' | '.join([ f'{step.type + rcountstr}: [qp:' f' {step.qpval:.2E}, ' f'a: {step.alpha:.2E}]' for rcountstr, step in zip(rcountstrs, steps) ])) qpvals = [step.qpval for step in steps] return steps[np.argmin(qpvals)]