
This module performs the optimization given a step proposal.

Classes Summary

FunEvaluator(fun, nargout, resfun, funargs)

Funout(fval, grad, x[, hess, res, sres])

Optimizer(fun, ub, lb[, verbose, options, ...])

Performs optimization


class fides.minimize.FunEvaluator(fun, nargout, resfun, funargs)[source]
__init__(fun, nargout, resfun, funargs)[source]
class fides.minimize.Funout(fval, grad, x, hess=None, res=None, sres=None)[source]
__init__(fval, grad, x, hess=None, res=None, sres=None)[source]
class fides.minimize.Optimizer(fun, ub, lb, verbose=20, options=None, funargs=None, hessian_update=None, resfun=False)[source]

Performs optimization

  • fevaler – FunctionEvaluator instance

  • lb – Lower optimization boundaries

  • ub – Upper optimization boundaries

  • options – Options that configure convergence checks

  • delta_iter – Trust region radius that was used for the current step

  • delta – Updated trust region radius

  • x – Current optimization variables

  • fval – Objective function value at x

  • grad – Objective function gradient at x

  • x_min – Optimal optimization variables

  • fval_min – Objective function value at x_min

  • grad_min – Objective function gradient at x_min

  • hess – Objective function Hessian (approximation) at x

  • hessian_update – Object that performs hessian updates

  • starttime – Time at which optimization was started

  • iteration – Current iteration

  • converged – Flag indicating whether optimization has converged

  • exitflag – ExitFlag to indicate reason for termination

  • verbose – Verbosity level for logging

  • logger – logger instance

__init__(fun, ub, lb, verbose=20, options=None, funargs=None, hessian_update=None, resfun=False)[source]

Create an optimizer object

  • fun (typing.Callable) – This is the objective function, if no hessian_update is provided, this function must return a tuple (fval, grad), otherwise this function must return a tuple (fval, grad, Hessian). If the argument resfun is True, this function must return a tuple (res, sres) instead, where sres is the derivative of res.

  • ub (numpy.ndarray) – Upper optimization boundaries. Individual entries can be set to np.inf for respective variable to have no upper bound

  • lb (numpy.ndarray) – Lower optimization boundaries. Individual entries can be set to -np.inf for respective variable to have no lower bound

  • verbose (typing.Optional[int]) – Verbosity level, pick from logging.[DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR]

  • options (typing.Optional[typing.Dict]) – Options that control termination of optimization. See minimize for details.

  • funargs (typing.Optional[typing.Dict]) – Additional keyword arguments that are to be passed to fun for evaluation

  • hessian_update (typing.Optional[fides.hessian_approximation.HessianApproximation]) – Subclass of fides.hessian_update.HessianApproximation that performs the hessian updates in every iteration.

  • resfun (bool) – Boolean flag indicating whether fun returns function values (False, default) or residuals (True).


Checks whether minimization should continue based on convergence, iteration count and remaining computational budget

Return type:



flag indicating whether minimization should continue

check_convergence(step, funout)[source]

Check whether optimization has converged.

Return type:



Checks whether objective function value, gradient and Hessian ( approximation) have finite values and optimization can continue.


funout (typing.Optional[fides.minimize.Funout]) – Function output generated by a FunEvaluator


RuntimeError if any of the variables have non-finite entries


Checks whether the current optimization variables are all within the specified boundaries


RuntimeError if any of the variables are not within boundaries


Computes the vector v and dv, the diagonal of its Jacobian. For the definition of v, see Definition 2 in [Coleman-Li1994]

Return type:

typing.Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]


v scaling vector dv diagonal of the Jacobian of v wrt x


Prints the header for diagnostic information, should complement Optimizer.log_step().

log_step(accepted, step, funout)[source]

Prints diagnostic information about the current step to the log

  • accepted (bool) – flag indicating whether the current step was accepted

  • step (fides.steps.Step) – proposal step

  • funout (fides.minimize.Funout) – Function output generated by a FunEvaluator


Prints diagnostic information about the initial step to the log


Ensures that x is non-degenerate, this should only be necessary for initial points.


eps – degeneracy threshold

Return type:


minimize(x0, start_id=None)[source]

Minimize the objective function using the interior trust-region reflective algorithm described by [ColemanLi1994] and [ColemanLi1996] Convergence with respect to function value is achieved when math:|f_{k+1} - f_k| < options[fatol] - \(f_k\) options[ frtol]. Similarly, convergence with respect to optimization variables is achieved when \(||x_{k+1} - x_k||\) < options[ xtol] \(x_k\) (note that this is checked in transformed coordinates that account for distance to boundaries). Convergence with respect to the gradient is achieved when \(||g_k||\) < options[gatol] or ||g_k|| < options[grtol] * f_k. Other than that, optimization can be terminated when iterations exceed options[ maxiter] or the elapsed time is expected to exceed options[maxtime] on the next iteration.


x0 (numpy.ndarray) – initial guess


fval: final function value, x: final optimization variable values, grad: final gradient, hess: final Hessian (approximation)


Function that tracks the optimization variables that have minimal function value independent of whether the step is accepted or not.


funout (fides.minimize.Funout) – Function output generated by a FunEvaluator evaluated at new x

Return type:


update(step, funout_new, funout)[source]

Update self according to employed step

Return type:


update_tr_radius(funout, step, dv)[source]

Update the trust region radius

Return type:



flag indicating whether the proposed step should be accepted